Difference of Type and Like
The following table gives a brief description on the familiar differences between "Type" and "Like" in ABAP. The tabular form is below:
Allocates memory
during execution.
Allocates memory
Improves performance
Also improves
Used when user defined
object links with SAP system data type
Used when data object link
with the other data object
Refers to the user
defined data types
To existing data type
of data object
Assigns data type
directly to the data object while declaring
You assign the data
type of another object to the declaring data object
Data type is
referenced directly
Data type is
referenced indirectly
SAP Transaction Codes
This SAP transaction code is nothing but a shortcut key that is attached to a screen. This transaction code is a collection of screens where we can be able to develop our object. SAP has provided their own transaction codes for each and every concept those are called standard transaction codes. There is an option in ABAP that, we can create our own (user-defined) transaction codes. Those user defined codes are called as “Custom Transaction Codes”. The transaction codes that are provided by SAP are known as “Standard Transaction Codes”.